Friday, October 1, 2010

Looking Back, Moving Forward with Sue Spence

"a (qualified) teacher librarian can contribute to the school community to a significant degree, particularly with ongoing curricular changes and ICT impacting on teacher workload. Teacher librarians ease that workload, not by re-shelving books but by using their expertise to collaborate with teachers; not by covering books but by providing valuable professional development in the use of ICT; not by checking books in and out but by joining committees to develop policies and practices that enhance student learning; not by chasing overdues but by working directly with students to develop their reading and information literacy skills." (Spence, 2002)

Sue Spence has been a source of inspiration for me throughout this course as well as a great provider of useful resources. I have found her insight invaluable - realistic and motivating. Her comments regarding the role of TLs resonate strongly with me as they reflect my personal beliefs regarding the potential of this role and all that I hope to be. Hopefully in the not to distant future I will have the opportunity to realise this potential.

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